"Sign me up for assisted living! I can't wait to give up my home, move to an institution and say goodbye to my privacy and independence." You're not likely to hear any older adults saying those words any time soon!
Fitness Over 40
LeeAnn Langdon
Recent Posts
Balance and Fitness Assessments for Seniors Now Available in Denver Metro Area
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Tue, Aug 05, 2014 @ 09:24 AM
Tags: balance, Baby Boomer, senior exercise, functional fitness, flexibility
5 Reasons Your Aging Parents Need In-Home Fitness Training
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Fri, Jun 20, 2014 @ 11:28 AM
Tags: exercise, personal training, osteoporosis, bone density, senior exercise, functional fitness, memory loss, arthritis
Positive Wellness, Positive You at Colorado Free University
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Fri, Jun 13, 2014 @ 09:10 AM
Wouldn't it be great if you felt healthy, happy and fulfilled all the time? If you'd like to enjoy a whole-person state of wellness that's so much more than just the absence of illness, you'll want to check out the newest Prime of Life Fitness class at Colorado Free University.
Tags: Baby Boomer, lifestyle habits, workshops
Are You Trying or Practicing? Reframing Your New Year's Resolutions
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Tue, Jan 07, 2014 @ 11:56 AM
It's that time. The start of a New Year fills us all with optimism and renewed resolve to begin new projects and make positive changes in our lives. Not surprisingly, the top resolution for Americans in 2014 is to lose weight.
Tags: lifestyle habits
Maintaining a healthy weight requires maintaining a state of approximate equilibrium between the fuel you consume in the form of food and the fuel you burn in the form of activity.
Tags: lifestyle habits, weight loss, diet
Welcome to the Baby Boom. A generation of 76 million Americans, all determined never to grow old. Except the oldest of us are reaching retirement age, and the youngest are staring down the big 5-0. One thing these 76 million folks have in common is a determination to stay active and maintain a youthful attitude at any age. But in their determination to stay active, many Boomers are making some dramatic exercise mistakes.
Tags: Baby Boomer, exercise
If you have a desk job, chances are you also have a pain in your neck. Poor desk ergonomics and improper sitting posture may be wreaking havoc on your neck and spine. For most of us, a little daily attention in the form of a few simple stretches will help keep our necks happy and healthy.
Tags: lifestyle habits, workplace exercise, flexibility, stretches, core exercises
A big percentage of my clientele consists of women at midlife who are looking for a fitness program that will help them age gracefully, vibrantly and independently. Often they've been burned by the one-size-fits-all approach at their local fitness center. I think it's vitally important to design a fitness program that fits your unique needs, goals and limitations, but there are a few key factors that are common for almost everyone.
Tags: Baby Boomer, exercise, senior exercise, weight training, cardiovascular exercise, flexibility, weight bearing exercise
How to Climb the Stairs When Your Knees Hurt
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Fri, Jan 11, 2013 @ 12:38 PM
One of the questions I get asked all the time in my Denver personal training sessions is "how can I climb stairs with my bad knees?" Stair climbing is a challenging move, even with perfectly functioning knees, because it involves balancing on a single leg, lifting the whole body weight against gravity (with a single leg), shifting the weight to the other leg, and coordinating the movements of three joints and lots of muscles in each leg.
Tags: balance, Baby Boomer, exercise, senior exercise, functional fitness, weight bearing exercise
Balance Exercises for Seniors: Finding a Stable Stance
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Mon, Jan 07, 2013 @ 10:14 AM
Reclaiming a sense of balance and security is a top fitness goal for many of the senior clients we see at Prime of Life Fitness. It's disturbing and frightening to feel unsteady on your feet and at risk of taking a fall.
Tags: balance, exercise, senior exercise, functional fitness