Wouldn't it be great if you felt healthy, happy and fulfilled all the time? If you'd like to enjoy a whole-person state of wellness that's so much more than just the absence of illness, you'll want to check out the newest Prime of Life Fitness class at Colorado Free University.
Fitness Over 40
Positive Wellness, Positive You at Colorado Free University
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Fri, Jun 13, 2014 @ 09:10 AM
Tags: Baby Boomer, lifestyle habits, workshops
Are You Trying or Practicing? Reframing Your New Year's Resolutions
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Tue, Jan 07, 2014 @ 11:56 AM
It's that time. The start of a New Year fills us all with optimism and renewed resolve to begin new projects and make positive changes in our lives. Not surprisingly, the top resolution for Americans in 2014 is to lose weight.
Tags: lifestyle habits
Maintaining a healthy weight requires maintaining a state of approximate equilibrium between the fuel you consume in the form of food and the fuel you burn in the form of activity.
Tags: lifestyle habits, weight loss, diet
If you have a desk job, chances are you also have a pain in your neck. Poor desk ergonomics and improper sitting posture may be wreaking havoc on your neck and spine. For most of us, a little daily attention in the form of a few simple stretches will help keep our necks happy and healthy.
Tags: lifestyle habits, workplace exercise, flexibility, stretches, core exercises
Your doctor's telling you; your family's telling you; your company's HR department is telling you. Sometimes it seems like everyone is telling you to get more exercise.
Tags: lifestyle habits, exercise, motivation
As the first wave of Baby Boomers begins retiring, they've never been busier. While many have retired, most are still busy with careers, hobbies, volunteer work, and caregiving for multiple generations of family.
Tags: balance, Baby Boomer, lifestyle habits, relaxation
Can You Be Fit Over 40 and Still Have a Life?
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Fri, Aug 10, 2012 @ 02:13 PM
If I've learned one thing as a personal trainer it's that working out is the easy part of getting fit. The hard part is wrapping your life and your brain around the new habits you'll need to sustain life-long fitness.
Tags: Baby Boomer, lifestyle habits, motivation
Five Ways to Sabotage Your Baby Boomer Fitness Program
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Wed, Jul 25, 2012 @ 10:28 AM
The Baby Boom generation is known for staying active and refusing to slow down as they age. That's all well and good, but if you're trying to stay fit and healthy, you may accidentally be sabotaging your own fitness.
Tags: Baby Boomer, lifestyle habits, exercise, diet
How to Get Motivated to Exercise: A 7-Step Plan
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Wed, Jun 06, 2012 @ 06:47 PM
Motivation to exercise is a holy grail that some people seem to chase their whole life. So how do other people manage to make time to exercise and get excited about doing it?
Tags: lifestyle habits, exercise, motivation
I hear from clients and prospective clients all the time: "How can I stay fit now that I'm in my 40s? I'm insanely busy, my body is going to pot, and I can't handle the kind of workouts I did in my 20s and 30s." The answer is pretty simple, really. You're not the same person you were in your 20s and 30s, so your workout needs to change with you. Your schedule has changed, your body has changed, and your goals and priorities have changed,too.
Tags: Baby Boomer, lifestyle habits, exercise, functional fitness