Maintaining a healthy weight requires maintaining a state of approximate equilibrium between the fuel you consume in the form of food and the fuel you burn in the form of activity.
Fitness Over 40
Five Ways to Sabotage Your Baby Boomer Fitness Program
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Wed, Jul 25, 2012 @ 10:28 AM
The Baby Boom generation is known for staying active and refusing to slow down as they age. That's all well and good, but if you're trying to stay fit and healthy, you may accidentally be sabotaging your own fitness.
Tags: Baby Boomer, lifestyle habits, exercise, diet
5 Reasons Boomer Women Should Lose Weight SLOWLY
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Wed, Apr 18, 2012 @ 02:07 PM
When it comes to weight loss, everyone wants a miraculous quick fix. You've probably heard--and maybe even fallen for--the breathless claims: "Lose a dress size in a week!" "Lose 20 pounds in four weeks!" If you have weight to lose, you're right to get started now, but I always urge my Baby Boomer clients to plan for slow weight loss--much slower than they want--because fast weight loss just comes with too many drawbacks.
Tags: Baby Boomer, exercise, weight loss, bone density, safety, diet
Prevent Heart Disease: Know Your Risk Factors
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Fri, Feb 03, 2012 @ 11:27 AM
February is American Heart Month, a campaign sponsored by the American Heart Association to bring awareness to heart disease and prevention.
Tags: lifestyle habits, exercise, diet, cardiovascular exercise, diabetes
Top 10 Reasons You'll Blow Your New Year's Resolution
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Sun, Dec 11, 2011 @ 05:20 PM
Show of hands: how many of you have been making the same New Year's resolution year after year? "This year I'm going to lose weight," you say. "This year I'm going to get my finances under control." Whatever your resolution, chances are, if you've failed it's because of one of these ten reasons.
Tags: lifestyle habits, exercise, motivation, diet
Why You Gain Weight Over the Holidays (and Your Skinny Friend Won't)
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Mon, Nov 21, 2011 @ 07:51 AM
The holidays are full of land mines that lay waste to your healthy diet and fitness routine. If you're like most people, you come out in January with 3-5 extra pounds, lots of regrets, and another New Year's resolution to lose weight. Sure, there are temptations around every corner, but your skinny friend always seems to come through the holidays with none of the extra baggage. How does she do it, and what are you doing wrong? Try out these 10 reasons your skinny friend will keep the weight off.
Tags: lifestyle habits, exercise, weight loss, diet
November is American Diabetes Month. The American Diabetes Association estimates that 25.8 million Americans have diabetes. An additional 57 million Americans are estimated to have prediabetes, or higher than normal blood glucose levels.
Tags: Baby Boomer, lifestyle habits, exercise, safety, diet, diabetes, Type 2 diabetes
Health & Fitness Tips: How NOT to Gain Weight During the Holidays
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Mon, Oct 17, 2011 @ 12:39 PM
The Halloween candy has been in the stores for weeks, now, and if you've resisted temptation so far, congratulations! But you know that the season of temptation is just beginning, and you've got weeks of holiday parties and treats to endure. Between the parties, the family dinners and the crazy hectic schedule, it's not surprising that so many of us gain a few (or a few too many) pounds between October and January.
Tags: lifestyle habits, exercise, weight loss, motivation, diet
Why I Love The Biggest Loser: Motivation to Help You Lose Weight
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Thu, Sep 22, 2011 @ 11:30 AM
Yesterday’s post was all about the things I hate about The Biggest Loser. Like some 8 million viewers per week, I do find the show compelling, no matter how much I hate some of the portrayals of the trainers and the contestants. Today I’d like to look at what there is to love about the show.
Tags: lifestyle habits, exercise, weight loss, body image, diet
Get More Fruits and Vegetables in Your Diet: Seven Sure-Fire Tips
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Mon, Sep 12, 2011 @ 09:44 AM
As obesity rates climb in the U.S. and the rate of debilitating chronic diseases climbs right along with it, the message to improve our diets by eating fewer processed foods and more fruits and vegetables is hard to escape. You’d have to be living under a rock to have missed the word that fruits and vegetables are low in calories, high in fiber and nutrients and much healthier for us than fatty, sugary, salty processed foods. But if you’re not a natural veggie lover, how do you get more fruits and vegetables in your diet? Try these seven easy tips:
Tags: lifestyle habits, diet, vegetables, fruits