A big percentage of my clientele consists of women at midlife who are looking for a fitness program that will help them age gracefully, vibrantly and independently. Often they've been burned by the one-size-fits-all approach at their local fitness center. I think it's vitally important to design a fitness program that fits your unique needs, goals and limitations, but there are a few key factors that are common for almost everyone.
Fitness Over 40
Tags: Baby Boomer, exercise, senior exercise, weight training, cardiovascular exercise, flexibility, weight bearing exercise
Top 7 Benefits of Strength Training for Baby Boomers
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Thu, Dec 01, 2011 @ 08:06 AM
The 76 million Baby Boomers in the U.S. are well-known for their active, busy lifestyles. They are the generation that is redefining aging in our society by continuing to work and stay active well into their golden years.
Tags: Baby Boomer, exercise, body image, osteoporosis, bone density, strength, weight training, endurance, diabetes, weight bearing exercise, Type 2 diabetes
If you're not getting the results you want from your exercise routine, chances are you're making one of these three all-too-common mistakes.
Tags: lifestyle habits, exercise, weight training, cardiovascular exercise
If you're over 40, chances are you've had that dreaded moment of looking in the mirror and saying "Holy cow, what happened here?" It may be the gray hair or the wrinkles around the eyes. Or perhaps it was the aching shoulder or the extra 10 or 15 pounds that never go away.
Tags: Baby Boomer, lifestyle habits, exercise, body image, personal training, strength, weight training
3 Reasons Boomer Women MUST Include Weight Training
Posted by LeeAnn Langdon on Thu, Oct 13, 2011 @ 08:40 AM
I know, I know. You don't want to bulk up, you just want to "tone." If you think another hour on the treadmill or elliptical is going to do that for you, think again. There's only one way to tone muscle and that's to use it. You build muscle by contracting it to overcome the resistance of some force: gravity, your body weight or a dumbbell, for example. The work of overcoming that resistance causes microtrauma in the fibers, and it's the repairing of that microtrauma that builds muscle.
Tags: Baby Boomer, exercise, bone density, weight training, weight bearing exercise